So What's, Uh, the Deal?

Welcome to my blog on James Joyce’s Ulysses. Yeah, I'm actually serious. Over the next four months I plan to finally read all of James Joyce’s Ulysses and blog about it in every way possible. Why? Because I have always wanted to read this much hyped and heralded book. Why not do so with the added support of a blog? Also, it could turn out to be kind of fun, right? RIGHT?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Shakespeare story

The characters in the episode Scylla and Charybdis discuss a funny and apparently singular account concerning Shakespeare that I though was amusing. It is found in the diary of John Manningham (March 3rd, 1601). It is the only third person account that mentions Shakespeare ever found anywhere and, as such, becomes by default a major piece of evidence on the man’s life. It is basically a story linking the most famous actor of the day (Richard Burbage) to Shakespeare. The text in the diary goes like this:

“Upon a tyme when Burbridge played Rich.3 there was a Citizen greue soe farr in liking with him, that before shee went from the play shee appointed him to come that night unto hir by the name of Ri: the 3. Shakespeare overhearing their conclusion went before, was intertained, and at his game ere Burbridge came. Then message returne to be made that William the Conquerour was before Rich. the 3. Shakespeare's name William.”

Such ribaldry!

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