So What's, Uh, the Deal?

Welcome to my blog on James Joyce’s Ulysses. Yeah, I'm actually serious. Over the next four months I plan to finally read all of James Joyce’s Ulysses and blog about it in every way possible. Why? Because I have always wanted to read this much hyped and heralded book. Why not do so with the added support of a blog? Also, it could turn out to be kind of fun, right? RIGHT?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Troubling Obsession?

I am pretty much thinking about this book all the time now. It colors my reality at multiple points throughout the day, popping up in relation to real life. You know, moments like "Wow, this or that is just like the part in the book where..." Is this an interesting byproduct of a great piece of literature or just a troubling obsession?

1 comment:

  1. Probably a little bit of both. I've always told you you would make a great professor. It's been fun to "read" with you. You are one complicated and very cool person. (yes, I know using the word "cool" dates me). XXXOOO
